Grüner Salon
Sonntag, 07.04.2024

20.00 Uhr

ROMADAY • Chameleon Girl • Tamás Szegedi • Independent Theater Hungary mit anschließend Q&A

Admission: 19.45
Tickets: 15€, 10€ reduced

German premiere
In Hungarian with German and English surtitles
Followed by an audience talk with the director, the scriptwriter and the artistic team

“I can become a photographer or a secret agent, a smiling multi-soldier or a nodding public servant, but I can also become an assimilated blonde beauty or a Gypsy to be paraded in front of the others, if I feel like it. For a chameleon can join any queue and can fulfil any expectations. But sometimes she has to decide for herself, otherwise she’ll never live her own life.” – says the Chameleongirl.

The colleagues from Independent Theatre Hungary created this theatre piece for all Roma young people, with the wish that they can truly decide their own future and live in a society that supports the realisation of their diverse dreams. Their message: “See the value of Roma not only on International Roma Day, but all year round.”

Director: Tamás Szegedi
Written by: Márton Illés
Actress: Ramóna Farkas
Music: Szabolcs Endrődy, Vincent Ribault
Costume: Kinga Gulyás
Cameraman: Ádám Csingun, Fedor Veselov
Sound engineer: Gábor Komlódi
Film editor: Dénes Fellegi
English translation: Anna Lengyel
Subtitles: Viktória Kondi
Photo: Alina Vincze

The performance takes place in collaboration with the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. The play is a preview of the International Roma Theatre Festival “COMMON TONGUE”, which will take place from 13 – 15 June 2024 in the Grüner Salon of the Volksbühne, among other venues. Financed by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.